Ecocene Press is home for written and artistic works by Earth stewards, teachers, and medicine keepers to inspire connection to self, community, and the planet.
New Release
Earth Doula
Earth Doula by Queen Hollins is a family resource guide for rebalancing our relationship with the planet, healing with the Earth, and reclaiming our rightful place as stewards of the elements and Earth Medicine. Sigils, rituals, and colorful artworks illuminate our path of repair.
Available as a soft cover book (136 pages, illustrated, full color, printed with eco-friendly ink and paper) and as a PDF (digital file). Purchase here for shipping, or visit Temple of Earth Apothecary or Cone Shape Top in Oakland, Get Lit Books in Moreno Valley, and Earthlodge Center Events in Long Beach for pick-up. Email for library, bookstore, and wholesale inquiry.
Author Queen Hollins
Queen Hollins, DIY PhD, is an elder queer Black Indigenous healer and the Founder and Director of the Earthlodge Center for Transformation. Her work centers those who struggle with mental, emotional, and spiritual health issues such as PTSD, abuse, depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. Earth medicine gently interrupts the trauma and crisis, providing an opening for rebalance and harmony.
Praise for Earth Doula
“This is not just a book. It is a door. Queen Hollins is showing us how to return lovingly to our oldest and most important relationship: our relationship with Earth as Earth. In book form, Queen makes decades of teaching and practice accessible to the world. Which means that you are holding the key to a vibration and a calling that has already changed the lives of multitudes, myself included. You are holding the key, open your heart and move through the door!”
—Alexis Pauline Gumbs, PhD, author of Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals
The Ecocene Press Collection
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DIY PhD Primer
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Earth Doula
Earth Doula by Queen Hollins is a family resource guide for rebalancing our relationship with the planet, heal with the Earth, and reclaiming our rightful place as stewards of the elements and Earth Medicine. Sigils, rituals, and colorful artworks illuminate our path of repair.