Become a Community Member-Owner

Join us in creating transformative education for the Earth and each other.
How does a cooperative school work?
Our co-op is owned and operated by our stewards, facilitators, and community. Much like a CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture, the monthly or annual support of our member-owners allows us to offer classes, gatherings, and publications in alignment with our vision and values at a sliding scale rate.
In exchange, member-owners participate in the decision-making of the school and receive benefits in ecooperative community. See member-owner perks, our income-based mycelia plans, and FAQs below.

Member-Owners Receive:
✨10% discount
Receive a member-owner discount code for use on all School for the Ecocene merch, books, classes, publications, and events.
📖 co-space
Drop into weekly virtual space to share, play and co-work in community as we cultivate the projects of our planetary dreams every Monday, 12 - 2 pm PST
🌿 networking
Send us you or your movements’ upcoming programs and offerings an we will repost in our IG @ecocene.school and Seasonal Loveletter emails.
🕸️ Earthworker Directory
Share about you, your medicine, connected movements, services, and/or offerings with broader community via our website’s Earthworker Directory.
🍄 Member Spotlight
After 6 months of Membership, you have the option to participate in a Member Spotlight via our IG @ecocene.school and seasonal Loveletter emails.
🍂 Fall Council
After 6 months of Membership, join our Annual Fall Council to share in community connection and collective visioning for our school.
🌀 DIY PhD zine
After 6 months of Membership, receive our annual DIY PhD zine with prompts, research, and medicine for planetary liberation in the mail.
👛 Collective abundance
After purchasing a full membership, any surplus co-op income is paid out as dividends in proportion to patronage during the fiscal year.
Which Fungi Are You?
We couldn’t exist without the support of our community members. Your participation nurtures the substrate for our collaborative school. Purchase membership annually for all benefits, or monthly to receive full benefits after 12 months.
You regulate us! You populate and build density for ecommunity.
You connect us to multi-dimensions with your bright, sustained support.
You sustain our systems, boost our resilience, and nurture deep joy.
Your unique and untamed medicine gives us nutrients for steady growth.
You protect our hearts and gift us energy for sustained liberation.
Our emergent cooperative school has two types of owners: worker and community. The workers are paid administrators, facilitators, and guides for our school; while the community includes anyone committed to, inspired by, and invested in growing cooperative schools for the Earth!
A community member can become an owner by “buying-in” to our school by purchasing a sliding scale annual membership in exchange for community benefits shared below. When paying for a membership monthly, certain perks such as a share in future profits of the School would only be available once they have paid 12 months of their memberhsip.
A community member can become a worker-owner after having participated in our school’s programs for at least 8 months and applying to an open position, or by being invited to facilitate a class or workshop in our school.
Our community network on hylo is free for anyone to join. We also share through our seasonal mailing list, the loveletter.
Yes! You can join our Ecocene Portal in Hylo, attend our events, and participate in our classes any time. You can also try out a community membership at the monthly rate, and would become eligible for community ownership after the full buy-in has been paid, at 12 months. You would have access to all membership benefits, but only become eligible for dividends and attendance at our community council meeting after the full membership tier has been paid.
You can cancel your membership at any time in your memer portal, and would forego any member perks you had earned at that time. Due to the nature of us being a start-up cooperative school in our pilot years of membership, unfortunately we cannot offer refunds to community memberships.
We reserve the right to revoke membership without refund of anyone who violates our community guidelines and demonstrates discriminatory language, threats, violence, or hate to any part of our community.