

Jenny, also known as Sapito, is here to awaken your heart and the heart of humanity. As an alchemical artist, authentic branding and creativity doula, Earth visionary, energy healer, medicine woman, and embodiment of Love, she's dedicated to illuminating your path on this planet, acknowledging your gifts, and honoring your unique story. 

Residing on unceded Raymatush and Ohlone land known as San Francisco, California, Jenny has journeyed through the realms of logical, industrial technology and emotional, mysterious, altered states, always returning to the essence of Love. She is all-too-familiar with the shadow realms and the numbness that we often default to. Jenny has learned to see in the dark.

She is a devoted proponent of the imagination and the power of a youthful spirit, recognizing the inner child as the seat of genius and children having innate wisdom. She advocates for the elements and Mother Earth, inviting us to hold deep reverence for nature as well as a sense of play and wonder. Jenny marvels at the diversity of life and the opportunity for unity amidst the turmoil and beauty of this conscious lifetime. Together, she believes we can create a harmonious home, beginning with honoring ourselves and each other. 

Jenny wears multiple hats at School for the Ecocene, as brand designer, marketing and communications director, storyteller, and a visionary. She is currently developing a course to debut through the school and is a student of the DIY PhD program. She has founded Sapito Studio to tend to the digital and emotional presence of healer, mystic, and visionary brands through a grounded spiritual process. 

When she isn’t designing, she enjoys writing, painting, dancing, being ridiculous, and connecting individuals and communities with each other. Jenny is also a channeler and oracle and brings forth messages and sounds for our planet’s wellbeing.

Consulting areas:

Brand design

Art + creativity coaching

Vocal empowerment

Energy work

Spiritual guidance

Heart connection

Capricorn Sun, Capricorn Rising, Scorpio Moon, Venus in Pisces

Human Design: Manifesting generator, 5/2