everything is medicine
eim is a way of life

Listen to Olivia describe her philosophy, practice, and class

After 7 eim cohorts, Olivia is pausing eim with School for the Ecocene for the foreseeable future to shift her focus to work from “The Nest” at her home in the Sequoias.
Thank you Olivia and all of the eimers who contributed to making this program a success! Everything is Medicine lives on in our hearts and communities. Check out Olivia’s website for news, poetry, and future offerings.

Everything is Medicine (eim)
The systems that create life are shared by all life forms, and use the same elements: Water, Fire, Air, Earth, and Space. When you plant or seed the ground and add conscious breathing to the process, a life changing connection takes place. The six senses engaged in nurturing the flora become an offering, a (korima) of your mind, body, heart and spirit. This nurturing act is in fact the life sustaining force of our mother Earth, and in our tribal culture is called reciprocity.
In our traditional tribal ways, every time we seed or transplant into the ground we perceive the act as an offering, a (korima) to our mother Earth. Our hearts open and we dialogue with all the life giving elements through this nurturing act. In exchange, life reciprocates by sustaining and offering (korima) to all flora and fauna in our home planet.
During eim we road-trip through the synapses embedded in our subconscious. In each interactive session we become immersed in the ways to refresh, expand and grow our brains. The reconnections are guided by our ancestral blood memories (DNA) that we learn to access and use.
Kwira’ba Olivia Chumacero
All humyns CARRY this knowledge. The hands-on activities guided with an Indigenous lens provide a road-map for the two-legged, so that we may live in Nature with respect, responsibility, and a reciprocating state of consciousness because “We are Nature, of Nature, with Nature,” as she continually reminds us.

Dedicated to Your Inner Nature
…that which comes natural to us all
Listen quietly to what it tells you
Live with it away from everything & everyone
Be patient. Give it time. Nurture it in your everyday
though it may be the challenge of all challenges
Understand it like a child, swallowing every gulp
Eyes gorged with curiosity. Gently let it deflower your life
through pain, through love
Allow these words to exude from your blood memory because
anger and fear stunts the spirit
limits the breath of road needed to travel in the way of Nature
Do not stray
Do not live distanced from your Inner Nature
the heart will harden run cold
Cradle your Inner Nature
Laugh without restrain so one day you may dance into your death song
Thankful of the dandelion seed floating to nowhere
Thankful of a mother’s breath immersed in child-birthing-pain
Contemplate in gratitude while dreaming awake
Because It takes a lifetime
To know Yourself
—Olivia Chumacero

Meet our elder:
Olivia Chumacero
"Art is a tool. Science is a tool. These two principle tools are continually evolving from the collective knowledge of the humxyn species. EVERY existing culture on our mother planet holds some aspect of this collective knowledge in its blood memory. Personally, I draw from my indigenous collective knowledge. I weave oral traditions, coyote stories, anecdotes, ceremonies, spirit runs, and observe the unspoken, the unwritten, the intangible. My signature tools are art and science while maneuvering through this journey called life.”
—Olivia Chumacero

“We are Nature, of Nature, with Nature.”—OC

eim testimony
Leyanne Oliveira
“I joined Everything is Medicine after sending out a prayer request for an Elder. I was yearning for a space to connect to myself and the earth in an easy familiar way. Everything is Medicine exceeded all my expectations and hopes. I ended the cohort deeply wanting more of Olivia's medicine. Olivia's ability to simplify the magic of healing woke a wonder inside of me. I felt more connected to myself and the Earth from learning from this incredible elder and medicine woman. I value the relationship and love for Rosemary that now lives inside of me and the slow gentle respectful way I learned about her medicine from Olivia. If you want to ground into the truth and magic of plants and healing, do yourself a favor and join this fascinating class now. You will not regret it!”